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Text Animator for Unity

Introducing Text Animator Plus: A powerful and customizable plugin designed to bring your game’s dialogues to life! Text Animator for Unity its a user-friendly interface and extensive documentation, you can easily create and customize animated text effects that will captivate your players. Let’s explore the exciting features of Text Animator Plus:


Create your own effects directly in the Inspector.

Enjoy a powerful and flexible toolset.

Access over 15 ready-to-use effects for instant implementation.

Apply multiple effects simultaneously on the same letters for stunning results.

Compatible with TextMeshPro*, supporting emotes, alignments, and custom fonts.

Set up Text Animator Plus quickly and effortlessly.

Display text dynamically, mimicking a typewriter effect, with various appearance effects.

Trigger events based on text display and perform any desired action.

Seamlessly integrate with external Dialogue Systems and Plugins (some already integrated!).

Access concise, detailed, and easy-to-read documentation to guide you every step of the way.

*TextMeshPro supports up to 30 compatible tags. Refer to the limitations page for more details.

Dialogue System for Unity



Yarn Spinner

Naninovel (partial)

You can also integrate your own Dialogue Systems and Plugins! (Additional integrations are planned for the future.) Explore the documentation for further details.


Dynamically reveal text with multiple appearance effects.

Trigger events when words or letters are displayed.

Enhance the experience with letter-specific sound effects.

Pause for specific characters such as punctuation marks.

Utilize tags to introduce timed delays or wait for player input.

Adjust typing speed on the fly, increasing or decreasing the pace.

Allow players to skip the typewriter effect and display the entire text upon input.


Create your own Effects, Features, and Typewriters using C#.

Develop effects directly in the inspector for quick iterations.

For Programmers:

Access the C# source code for additional customization.


Stay informed with the Public Roadmap.

Explore multiple Example scenes showcasing different use cases.

Benefit from frequent updates and enhancements.


Please note that we intend these files for learning purposes or as a trial before purchasing the full commercial version. Using these assets for commercial purposes without proper licensing is strictly prohibited.

Get ready to have fun and elevate your game’s storytelling with Text Animator Plus! Visit the Unity Asset Store now for more details:

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