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Mountain Valley – BUILT-IN – Game Ready Level

Product Description: Ready-to-Play Environment Set in the Mountains


Mountain Valley – BUILT-IN – Game Ready Level pack offers a complete, ready-to-play environment set in the mountains, inspired by the SYNTY Fantasy Kingdom Pack for Builtin. Whether you need a regular game level, a rapid prototyping tool, or simply some inspiration for your projects, this scene provides a perfect starting point.

Time-Saving Features:

While our tools allow you to create scenes quickly, nothing beats having a complete scene ready out of the box! Install this pack and immerse yourself in your target environment immediately.

Optimized Performance:

Our Game Ready Levels have undergone careful optimization for both the assets used and the scope of the scene. Techniques utilized include:

  • Unity terrain as mesh terrain
  • Mesh combining
  • Layer-based culling
  • Light baking
  • Baked Occlusion culling
  • SRP-specific optimizations (based on the level)

Modifiable and Educational:

The pack includes both the original scene and the optimized versions. You can freely modify the original scene and follow our instructions to reapply the optimizations, maintaining the performance improvements. Note that the mesh combining optimization requires separate tools, which are available for purchase.

Pipeline Versions:

This pack is currently available for the Built-In render pipeline. Additionally, you can find optimized versions of the scene for the following render pipelines:

  • Universal Render Pipeline (URP) Version
  • High-Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) Version


Please review the dependency list before purchasing this pack to ensure compatibility.

Support and More Information:

For any questions, or assistance, or to learn more about our products and offerings, feel free to reach out through the following channels:

  • Discord
  • Forums
  • Tutorials

About Procedural Worlds:

At Procedural Worlds, our mission is to empower creators to build, automate, and explore worlds. We cater to indie developers, professionals, and enterprises, providing easy-to-use, integrated, and well-supported tools. Our expertise in procedural technology and our dedicated team enable us to deliver applications, games, simulations, mapping tools, MMOs, and metaverse experiences in record time and at a fraction of the typical cost. Visit our gallery and contact us to discover more.


The files included in this pack are for learning purposes and testing only. They are not licensed for commercial use.

Our Products:

We offer a range of bundles, tools, stamp packs, game-ready levels, microbiomes, and procedural spawner packs. Here are some highlights:


World Building Bundle – 2021 Edition: Save 20% on our most popular tools, including Gaia Pro 2021, Gena Pro, Ambient Sounds, Pegasus, and SECTR 2019.


  • Gaia Pro 2021: An introductory version of Gaia Pro, expanding on the original Gaia 1 with multi-terrain and biome support.
  • GeNa Pro: The big brother of GeNa 2, a complete re-write with added capabilities for creating splines, rivers, roads, and villages, and shaping terrain with rocks, trees, grasses, and more.
  • SECTR Complete 2019: A suite of performance-enhancing tools for open-world streaming and massive mobile games, featuring the latest audio occlusion and propagation techniques.
  • Ambient Sounds: Create interactive soundscapes with professionally composed sound effects and a music library.
  • Pegasus: A system to drive objects along a path, perfect for cut scenes, with ambient AI support for formations, animation, and local avoidance for NPCs and animals.
  • Stamp Packs: As the inventors of the stamp concept, we offer a variety of landscapes that work with Unity, our tools, and other stamp-supported assets.

Game Ready Levels:

For those with our tools, we provide optimized levels to build games or learn from.

Micro Biomes:

Mix and match small biomes with Gaia Pro 2021 and GeNa Pro to create more diverse environments.

Procedural Spawner Packs:

Utilize some of the best modular assets in the store and easily incorporate them into your scene with Gaia Pro, GeNa Pro, and our Procedural Spawner Packs. Bring your artistic vision to life and procedurally create in minutes what would take weeks or months by hand.

Upgrade Policy:

As we continually develop our products, there may be an upgrade fee of 20-50% of the full purchase price for the next major release of our software, aligned with the yearly Unity release cycle (e.g., 2020, 2021, 2022, etc.). While upgrading is not mandatory, it supports our team in providing ongoing product support.


Please note that we intend these files for learning purposes or as a trial before purchasing the full commercial version. Using these assets for commercial purposes without proper licensing is strictly prohibited.

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