Easy Save - The Complete Save Data & Serializer System
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Easy Save – The Complete Save Data & Serializer System

Easy Save – The Complete Save Data & Serializer System lets you save almost anything with ease across platforms, along with features such as encryption, compression, cloud storage, spreadsheets, backups, and much more.

-Latest version -3.5.6


  • Serialize much more than other solutions…
  • Including classes, structs, GameObjects, Prefab Instances, Components, ScriptableObjects, Arrays, Dictionaries, Lists, HashSets, Queues, even References to Unity objects, and much more.

For Amateurs:

  • It’s easy to use and well-documented, with or without code

For Experts:

  • A fast, feature-rich, and extremely flexible saving system.
  • Regularly updated with new features.
  • Including Encryption, Compression, Cloud, PlayMaker actions, Caching, CSV Spreadsheets, and File IO.

Compatible with:

  • PC, Mac, Linux, Windows Universal, iOS, tvOS, Android, Oculus, Steam, WebGL
  • C#, Unity Visual Scripting, PlayMaker, Bolt
  • Integrate with other storage APIs such as consoles or cloud services.

Fully documented:

  • Guides | Examples & Tutorials | API Reference | Getting Started
  • Save using C#, or without code using AutoSave
  • C# Reference | AutoSave
  • Support for PlayMaker, Bolt, and Unity Visual Scripting*
  • Access Easy Save from Bolt and Unity Visual Scripting graphs
  • Save and load using PlayMaker actions
  • Third-party NodeCanvas & FlowCanvas integration

Save almost any type:

  • Our serializer was designed specifically for Unity
  • Unlike other systems, it can even serialize references

Fast and lightweight serializer:

  • Using a JSON serializer designed specifically for Unity

5-star customer support:

  • Via email, a dedicated forum, and Discord

Secure save data with encryption:

  • Encrypt save data

Compact files with compression:

  • Makes files 85% smaller on average

Save & load from the cloud:

  • Upload to cloud database using PHP & MySQL

Cross-platform save system:

  • Use save files & code on all supported platforms

Serialize data to a spreadsheet:

  • In CSV format for Excel

Much more flexible than PlayerPrefs:

  • But just as simple to use

Unlike PlayerPrefs, it has File IO;

  • Serializer stores data straight to the file
  • Store strings/bytes as files


Please note that we intend these files for learning purposes or as a trial before purchasing the full commercial version. Using these assets for commercial purposes without proper licensing is strictly prohibited.

Check Unity Asset Store for more info: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/easy-save-the-complete-save-data-serializer-system-768

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