Break It - full mobile game
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Break It – full mobile game


Break It – full mobile game is a fast paced, casual mobile game. The unique, one tap (and hold) gameplay makes for a simple yet fun experience. The goal is to get your jumping cube character to the bottom of the level, by breaking through orange gates. Players can try their best to move quickly and earn the rocket powerup, which will boost through the platforms automatically. Players lose when the cube doesn’t jump high enough before trying to break through a gate, or when the character hits a white platform.

Main Features include:

  • Unique gameplay
  • Level & score system
  • UI panels and smooth animations
  • Player shop
  • Mobile controls
  • Powerup
  • Sound effects

Includes documentation
Scripts written in C#


Please note that we intend these files for learning purposes or as a trial before purchasing the full commercial version. Using these assets for commercial purposes without proper licensing is strictly prohibited.

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