uMMORPG 2D Remastered - MMORPG Engine
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uMMORPG 2D Remastered – MMORPG Engine


The uMMORPG 2D Remastered – MMORPG Engine 20 years ago, MMORPGs used to require millions of dollars of capitalization and large teams of developers. And then came Unity, with its mission to democratize game development. uMMORPG’s mission is to go one step further to democratize MMO Development.
It’s time to begin the era of the Indie MMORPG.

Remastered Edition

uMMORPG 2D Classic was released 3 years ago. The new Remastered Edition contains the two most requested feature: a Component Based architecture that is much easier to work with!

uMMORPG 2D is based on uMMORPG.

uMMORPG is the most simple and easiest to use MMO engine on the planet for one reason: 99% of the MMO projects fail because they are too complex.
Keeping both the code and the architecture incredibly simple is of utmost importance for the lone wolf developer.


uMMORPG 2D uses Mirror networking. With Mirror, the Server & Client are ONE project and share 95% of the code. (hence the name “Mirror”). Thanks to Mirror, uMMORPG 2D requires less than 10k lines of code while still scaling to 500-1000 CCU easily.

uMMORPG 2D’s networking is completely vertically integrated. The full networking stack was designed specifically for uMMORPG and is being improved every single day and battle tested by hundreds of other Unity networking projects.


uMMORPG 2D’s most popular hidden feature is its huge Discord Community with over 2500 members. We are all working on our dream games and trying our best to help each other out along the way.


uMMORPG 2D can be modified to your needs easily:

  • A powerful Addon System and dozens of additional Community Addons
  • Scriptable Objects for custom Items/Skills/Quests/Recipes.
  • A detailed Documentation is available online.
  • 100% of the Source Code is included.

Feature: Players

uMMORPG 2D comes with a built in Archer and Warrior class in order to display ranged and melee combat. Additional classes like mages can be created very easily.

Players have levels, experience, gold, skills, inventories, equipment, attributes and animations. They can move both with WASD & Click movement (via Navigation 2D). The combat system supports regular attacks, blocks and critical hits. Players can fight each other and get penalized with a Murder system.

Feature: Npcs

uMMORPG 2D comes with Npcs that can sell or buy items to/from the player, manage guilds, revive pets and offer quests.

Feature: Scriptable Items/Skills/Quests

uMMORPG 2D comes with a powerful Scriptable Items/Skills/Quests system. You can add new items based on existing types (e.g. Potions), or create new types by inheriting from ScriptableItem. There are no limits, you could create a skill that instantly spawns 1000 monsters or kills anyone on the server.

Feature: Mounts & Pets

uMMORPG 2D supports spawnable player owned entities, implemented as Mounts and Pets. Mounts allow the player to move more quickly, while also being attackable by others. They will fight alongside their owner.

Feature: Parties, Guilds & Chat

Multiplayer games are all about player interaction. uMMORPG 2D comes with a party system to hunt monsters in a group, a guild system for long term collaboration amongst players and a chat to communicate between all of those systems easily.

Feature: Crafting

uMMORPG 2D provides a simple, yet powerful crafting system. Crafting recipies convert a given set of items to a resulting item with a specified probability of success. Crafting can be used to combine items in all kinds of ways, for example:

  • Health Potion + Mana Potion = Vigor Potion
  • Blade + Handle + Sword Recipe = Sword.

Feature: Item Mall

You can any payment provider that you want to sell coins for real money, and then simply post the transactions in uMMORPG 2D’s orders table.

Feature: Safe Zones

In safe zones, no one can attack each other, which is very useful for starter areas to avoid spawn camping by higher level players.

Feature: Database

uMMORPG 2D uses SQLite by default, which works out of the box and without any additional setup whatsoever.

Feature: Login, Character Selection & Creation

uMMORPG 2D comes with a simple login system that accepts any new account by default.

Feature: Security

Before working on uMMORPG 2D, I spent several years reverse engineering a few popular MMORPGs to understand their mechanics and develop Bots. As result, uMMORPG 2D is 100% server authoritative and valides any client input very carefully. A lot of care and effort is taken into protecting the server against cheats and exploits. Any security bug will be fixed within 48 hours.

Feature: Stability & LTS

After almost 4 years of development, both uMMORPG & uMMORPG 2D are finally feature complete and in Long Term Support mode since February 2019, while running on Unity’s LTS releases for maximum stability. Any reproducable bug is fixed immediately. Several projects rely on uMMORPG 2D, so bugs and stability always have highest priority.


Please understand that uMMORPG 2D is a one person project, made for my own MMO.

Final Words

Back in 2006, I played my first MMO and immediately fell in love with it. Over 12,000 man hours went into uMMORPG & uMMORPG 2D, and it’s been a long and difficult journey.

I invite you to our community to join us all on an adventure towards making our dream games. uMMORPG 2D does all the heavy lifting for you and there is finally a reasonable chance of success for the lone wolf developer. But buying uMMORPG 2D is no guarantee for success. It will still require a lot of sweat, tears, focus and long work hours. But it will be worth it, and every step of the way will be increasingly more intense and meaningful for you and your players.


Please note that we intend these files for learning purposes or as a trial before purchasing the full commercial version. Using these assets for commercial purposes without proper licensing is strictly prohibited.

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