Volumetric Blood Fluids Work on all platforms (PC/Consoles/Mobiles) instead of WebGL Download it for Free.!!!!
Supported URP/HDRP 12+
Pack includes 17 blood prefabs with baked fluids and decals
Android DEMO || PC DEMO (Available on Unity Asset Store)
- -Works out of the box.
Just drag and drop on a scene
- -Easy scaling (using transform scale)
- -Any color
- -Any layer for the decal rendering
- -Decals appear to depend on the height of a blood position (up to 2~5 meters)
- -Used screen space decals for standard rendering and native decals system for urp/hdrp
It’s fast enough. This method does not duplicate a mesh like a projector and uses only 12 triangles per decal.
- -Used instanced rendering for the blood and decals You can render the same blood prefab 500 times in two draw calls
- -The number of triangles per effect is 3k-6k.
Blood decals cause artifacts on animated models because the decal remains static in relation to the skinned mesh. Therefore, it is advisable to restrict the usage of decals to static surfaces only, such as terrain, floors, etc.
if you have questions or suggestions, visit Unity Asset Store for more. Information is Given Below.
Please note that we intend these files for learning purposes or as a trial before purchasing the full commercial version. Using these assets for commercial purposes without proper licensing is strictly prohibited.
Check Unity Asset Store For more information: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/vfx/particles/volumetric-blood-fluids-173863
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