Creating over 30 Animated Fantasy Characters is a colossal endeavor that requires an extensive array of artistic talents and sophisticated software tools. These characters can populate the rich and diverse worlds of video games, movies, or virtual environments, offering players and audiences a wide range of unique and immersive experiences. From brave heroes with distinct abilities and intricate backstories to menacing villains with sinister powers, the possibilities are limitless. Each character’s design, movement, and personality contribute to the depth and immersion of the fantasy realm, captivating audiences and players alike. The meticulous attention to detail in their animation breathes life into these characters, ensuring they resonate with fans and become integral parts of their respective narratives.
- 3 body • 934 Tris x 13 textures 512x512px
- 7 tools x 3 textures 256x256px
- 6 hats x 7 textures 256x128px
- 8 hair x 10 textures 128x128px
- 7 beards x 10 textures 128x128px
- 6 resources (empty bag, fish, fruit1, fruit2, stone, wood) x 2 textures 512x512px
- 6 Bags x 2 textures
- 21 tools
- 42 hats
- 80 hair
- 70 beards
- 12 resources
Character presets:
- 3 Blacksmiths
- 4 Builders
- 5 Lumberjacks
- 3 Miners
- 4 NPCs
- 3 Porters
23 Animations:
2 types: Legacy and Humanoid(ready to use with mecanim),
Youtube animations preview
- WalkFront
- WalkBack
- WalkRight
- WalkLeft
- Run
- Idle
- Idle2
- Mine1/Attack1
- Mine2/Attack2
- Use
- Talk
- Jump
- Gather
- Hit1
- Hit2
- Death
- Lumbering
- Sawing
- Build1
- Build2
- Digging
- Swim
- Swim Idle
Include documentation.
Optimized for mobile platforms and browsers.
Please note that we intend these files for learning purposes or as a trial before purchasing the full commercial version. Using these assets for commercial purposes without proper licensing is strictly prohibited.
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