20 Creatures MegaPack
3D All Character

20 Creatures MegaPack


Characters 20 Creatures MegaPack for Most of the games.
creatures can be inserted into an RPG,
Shooter, Horror, fantasy.
Location of creating a forest,
swamps, caves, sewers and other dark places.

Creatures MegaPack conteins 20 character creatures

1.Character Creature Spider

PBR textures(Metallic Sheder)

Contains 9 animations

  • -Walk
  • -Jump
  • -Idle
  • -Get Hit
  • -Dead
  • -Shout
  • -Attack(1)
  • -Attack(2)
  • -Attack(3)

PBR textures.

  • -Albedo
  • -AO
  • -Metallic
  • -Normal
  • (all 2048-2048 size)

Contains 12 animations

  • -Jump down
  • -Walk
  • -Run
  • -Jump
  • -Idle
  • -Idle other
  • -Get Hit
  • -Dead
  • -Shout
  • -Attack(1)
  • -Attack(2)
  • -Attack(3)

PBR textures.

  • -Albedo
  • -AO
  • -Metallic
  • -Normal
  • (all 2048-2048 size)

Contains 10 animations


PBR textures.

  • -Albedo
  • -AO
  • -Metallic
  • -Normal
  • (all 2048-2048 size)


  • -Jump
  • -Idle
  • -Get_Hit
  • -Dead
  • -Shout
  • -Attack(1)
  • -Attack(2)
  • -Attack(3)

PBR textures.

  • -Albedo
  • -AO
  • -Metallic
  • -Normal
  • (all 2048-2048 size)

Contains 10 animations

  • -Walk
  • -Run
  • -Jump
  • -Idle
  • -Get_Hit
  • -Dead
  • -Shout
  • -Attack(1)
  • -Attack(2)
  • -Attack(3)

Forest Dweller – The Woodland Elf:

Inhabiting the enchanting depths of lush forests, Woodland Elves are revered for their extraordinary agility, archery prowess, and an innate connection to nature. Their graceful movements allow them to navigate tree canopies with ease, while their spells draw strength from the very essence of the forest, making them indispensable characters in any RPG adventure set in the woods.

Swamp Beast – The Bog Hag:

Deep within the treacherous and murky swamps, the sinister Bog Hags reign supreme. With their grotesque appearance and mastery of dark magic, they brew foul potions and cast debilitating hexes, making them formidable foes in horror and fantasy games that plunge players into the dank and perilous world of the swamp.

Cave Dweller – The Rock Golem:

Roaming the subterranean depths of dark caverns, Rock Golems stand as formidable guardians of these mysterious domains. Their immense stone bodies make them impervious to most attacks, and they wield immense power when defending their underground homes, adding depth to RPG encounters in cave environments.


Please note that we intend these files for learning purposes or as a trial before purchasing the full commercial version. Using these assets for commercial purposes without proper licensing is strictly prohibited.

Check Unity Asset Store for more info: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/characters/creatures/20-creatures-megapack-79548

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